Had a flawless experience my first time shipping my car and Kimberly helped ever step of the way making it so easy for me. About to need to ship my car again and going to have them help me again!
Terry Williams - Kimberly@Autoshippinggroup.com 360-200-6854 CALL, TEXT OR EMAIL ME FOR A FREE QUOTE. I HAVE BEEN WITH OUR COMPANY 17 YEARS NOW! A+ ACCREDITED! Cole, Thank you so much for doing the review. It has be...
Amerifreight did a great job booking the driver and the driver was right on time on both ends. Ask for Rosalind at Amerifreight. Ask for Mr Barrington Hoilett for your driver!!!
AmeriFreight - Call or text Rosalind Cook at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leav...
Malia made it so easy for me to ship 2 cars. between 2 states. Everything worked out perfectly. I highly recommend her to any one who is moving cars.
Terry Williams - MALIA 503-836-1028 TEXT/CALL - 16 YEARS WITH ASG - MALIA@AUTOSHIPPINGGROUP.COM- - - Gifton, you were wonderful to work with, I am happy you were please...
The process was wonderful. They were very helpful and my price that I was given never changed because they make you sign a contract so it will never change.
Felicia did an awesome job with my order #1056959; from staying in contact with me from day one until the pick up and delivery. I highly recommend working with Auto Shipping Group again!
Terry Williams - ** Call FELICIA @ (602) 428-6872 on her direct line from 6-3pm PST or text her anytime , felicia@autoshippinggroup.com ** Auto Shipping Group is A+ Rated and Accredited with Better Business Bureau ** ...